2023 is key in FONTAGRO’s mission
FONTAGRO strengthens its position as a reference for the generation of scientific knowledge and the creation of collaborative platforms to transform food systems in the region. Learn more about our achievements in these 25 years and our vision for the future.
Dr. Esther Esteban, Director of the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) of Spain, shares in this column her impressions on the importance of research and innovation in finding solutions to move towards a more sustainable economy.
Dr. José Roberto Camacho Montero
Executive Director INTA Costa Rica
Case study on the participatory system of guarantees and marketing for organic products of Ayllu Phanacachi
Recommendations and findings: logistics centers of Family Farming in Spain
Recommendations for the development of appropriate public policies to improve value addition and market access for family farmers
Production, marketing and consumption of agroecological products in Eco Feria, Cochabamba, Bolivia
The law, the first of its kind in the region, is the result of a discussion process of more than two years with Panama’s public and private sectors.
We tell you all the details about it and why its approval can be an example for other countries.
FONTAGRO develops webinars on open initiatives in 2023
If you would like to learn more about the initiatives that are open during this period, we invite you to register for the webinars that will be held by the Technical Administrative Secretariat.
Authorities comment on the approval of the new State Agri-food Policy Law in Panama
Call for projects 2023 is open
Know all the details by clicking the icon below:
Successful Cases Contest 2023-2024
All the details on the Bioeconomy Successful Cases Contest by clicking the icon below:
Copyright 2023 – Inter American Development Bank / All rights reserved.
FONTAGRO was created 1998 with the purpose of promoting the increase of the competitiveness of the agri-food sector, ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources and the reduction of poverty in the region. The objective of FONTAGRO is to establish itself as a sustainable financing mechanism for the development of agricultural technology and innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain, and to establish a forum for the discussion of priority topics of technological innovation. The member countries are: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. In the last 27 years 204 regional agricultural innovation platforms have been co-financed for an amount of US $ 150.7 million, which has reached 531 institutions and 35 countries worldwide.